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Category: Welcome

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to my blog :).

I am so excited to finally be actively blogging and not just “thinking” about getting started lol! I must admit it has taken me 2 years! YES that is right 2 long years to finally get up the courage and confidence to do this. I have had my domain and name for 6 months and just finally sat down in March and decided this is it!

Blogging is the perfect fit for me! I have been a stay at home Mom for several years while raising three girls. I put my heart and soul in to keeping the girls busy and in the meantime I was attending college to get my degree. At first, I had always wanted to be an RN and even applied to Nursing school. While waiting to see if and when I would get in, my life as a mother became super busy and I decided that it just wasn’t the right time. Now I am soon to be an empty nester and have been contemplating going back to work. My husband suggested I find something to do from home so that we can take off and travel according to his work schedule. That’s when I decided blogging would fit into my life perfectly!